


Lawrence in LA (4岁)



“See you next summer Ms. Marissa!”  Lawrence said to his Camp Leader during the last day of the event.  I was a bit surprised to hear my son spoke English so clearly, so freely.  My wife and I hesitated when we thought about sending our four and half year-old son Lawrence to a two-week summer camp in Los Angeles.   Not only because of his young age, but also his limited English skills.  When I say ‘limited’, I meant he could barely count to 20 in English.  At the same time, we heard a lot of good things about having summer camps in the USA and how kids all loved it upon their returns.  We wanted to give Lawrence a chance to be ‘independent’ for the first time in his young life and be able to learn English while ‘having fun’ instead of studying in a boring classroom.  It ended up being the best decision we’ve ever made.

The traditional view of a summer camp as a woody place with hiking, canoeing, and campfires is changing, Lawrence's camp school offered a wide variety of specialized activities.   Performing arts, music, magic, horse riding, language learning, mathematics, just to name a few.  Most of the activities and classes are catered to beginners, offering Lawrence the opportunity to try new things or to learn a new skill.  In my son’s case, he not only learned art and sports, but also English at the same time since all of the teachers and fellow classmates spoke only English.  Kids can adapt the language environment at an extra-ordinary speed.  He learned more English in that two weeks than his entire semester in Shanghai school.

Lawrence's camp had baseball activities each afternoon.  Americans are known for having good team sports and you could tell the reason just from observing the way they train kindergarten kids.   Not only do they teach the kids how to ‘hit the baseball’, but more importantly the coaches focus on helping the kids gain confidence and improve their ‘teaming’ abilities.  Lawrence was shy during his first 3 days, he seldom spoke to other students.  However, most of the American kids are extremely outgoing, they would reach out to Lawrence with open arms.  In matter of days, Lawrence was able to play with other kids as if they have known each other for a long time.  During the second week, Lawrence’s English became ‘natural’, something he could never learn from sitting in a classroom with foreign teacher in Shanghai.  Let's be honest, kids simply learn better and faster from other kids, not the teachers, no matter how good the English teach is.  He ‘blossomed’ because he connected with other kids who share the same interests and bonding.

On the flight back to Shanghai, Lawrence told me at least three times “Dad, can I do this again next year? Please?”  Summer camp, whether it was magical, fun, or adventurous, ALWAYS forms the strongest memories for kids.  Research says that camp memories are stronger than other memories because they carry salience, an emotional importance.  These memories are Lawrence's own memories, unique to his experiences – not common family memories nor common school memories.  These new experiences are growth experiences that will influence my son long after the camp.


    “See you next summer Ms. Marissa!” 临走的最后一天,Lawrence对班级的老师说。当时我很惊讶他能够如此自信和自如地说英文。起初,我和我太太对于送4岁半的Lawrence入学洛杉矶当地幼儿园有一些顾虑,一来是担心他年纪比较小,更重要的是担心语言障碍让他丢失了与老师或者其他小朋友交流的自信。毕竟,他的英语水平只能从1数到20。不过,我也听闻美国的教学环境能够让孩子们更加活泼开朗,很多孩子去了第一次之后每年都想回到美国的学校持续学习。我和我的太太想给Lawrence一个“独立”的机会,并且希望他能够在快乐的环境下学习英语,而不是在一个枯燥的课堂里学习英语。不过没想到,这个决定成为了我们最好的决定。


